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12 X 1 Hour Weekly Sessions plus 3 Bonus Sessions (Total 15 Hours) 




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Established Speakers Who Want To Take Their Skills To The Next Level.


Whether you want to deliver a TED Talk or speak on an arena stage in front of thousands of people, Sarsaparilla can help give you the skills you need to get there.


True professional speakers know that it takes a lifetime to build their craft and that there is always room for improvement. Just because you’ve been speaking at events and have a platform, does not necessarily mean that you are a “professional speaker”… yet.  


Sarsaparilla’s Advanced Speaker Training has been specifically designed to help those who already have some speaker experience, take their skills to the next level.  


We’ll not only show you how to build and improve your technique, but we’ll also address how to establish yourself as a professional speaker, how to market yourself so that you get booked, and more.


When you take this workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The Difference Between General Speakers and a Professional Speaker (and How To Be The Latter)

  • How To Get Noticed And Booked As a Professional Speaker

  • What You Need To Know About Speaking Agencies (and Why They Might Not Be Right For You)

  • How To Create a Talk That People Want

  • How To Brand, Market, and Sell Yourself As a Professional Speaker

  • What You Need To Know About Contracts and Speaker Fees


It is recommended that you take and master “Public Speaking Training” or private sessions before taking this course. Additional related courses include: “How To Write Persuasive Presentations (A Template)”, “Presentations Skills” and “Online Presentation Skills”.

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